diff --git a/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1 b/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1 deleted file mode 100644 index 57324b5..0000000 --- a/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1079 +0,0 @@ -Version 3.2 HI-TECH Software Intermediate Code -[p mainexit ] -"42 main_feux_wc.c -[v _init_oscillator `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ] -"950 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic16f87.h -[v _TRISA `Vuc ~T0 @X0 0 e@133 ] -"1011 -[v _TRISB `Vuc ~T0 @X0 0 e@134 ] -"160 -[v _PORTA `Vuc ~T0 @X0 0 e@5 ] -"221 -[v _PORTB `Vuc ~T0 @X0 0 e@6 ] -"227 -[s S9 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ] -[n S9 . RB0 RB1 RB2 RB3 RB4 RB5 RB6 RB7 ] -"226 -[u S8 `S9 1 ] -[n S8 . . ] -"238 -[v _PORTBbits `VS8 ~T0 @X0 0 e@6 ] -[v F868 `(v ~T0 @X0 1 tf1`ul ] -"150 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic.h -[v __delay `JF868 ~T0 @X0 0 e ] -[p i __delay ] -"166 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic16f87.h -[s S7 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ] -[n S7 . RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4 RA5 RA6 RA7 ] -"165 -[u S6 `S7 1 ] -[n S6 . . ] -"177 -[v _PORTAbits `VS6 ~T0 @X0 0 e@5 ] -"1193 -[s S51 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :3 `uc 1 ] -[n S51 . SCS IOFS OSTS IRCF ] -"1199 -[s S52 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ] -[n S52 . SCS0 SCS1 . IRCF0 IRCF1 IRCF2 ] -"1192 -[u S50 `S51 1 `S52 1 ] -[n S50 . . . ] -"1208 -[v _OSCCONbits `VS50 ~T0 @X0 0 e@143 ] -"12 main_feux_wc.c -[p x CP=ON ] -"13 -[p x CCPMX=RB3 ] -"14 -[p x DEBUG=OFF ] -"15 -[p x WRT=OFF ] -"16 -[p x CPD=ON ] -"17 -[p x LVP=OFF ] -"18 -[p x BOREN=OFF ] -"19 -[p x MCLRE=OFF ] -"20 -[p x PWRTE=ON ] -"21 -[p x WDTE=OFF ] -"22 -[p x FOSC=INTOSCIO ] -[; ;pic16f87.h: 49: extern volatile unsigned char INDF @ 0x000; -"51 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic16f87.h -[; ;pic16f87.h: 51: asm("INDF equ 00h"); -[; <" INDF equ 00h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 55: extern volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x001; -"57 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 57: asm("TMR0 equ 01h"); -[; <" TMR0 equ 01h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 61: extern volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002; -"63 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 63: asm("PCL equ 02h"); -[; <" PCL equ 02h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 67: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003; -"69 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 69: asm("STATUS equ 03h"); -[; <" STATUS equ 03h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 72: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 73: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 74: unsigned C :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 75: unsigned DC :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 76: unsigned Z :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 77: unsigned nPD :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 78: unsigned nTO :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 79: unsigned RP :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 80: unsigned IRP :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 81: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 82: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 83: unsigned :5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 84: unsigned RP0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 85: unsigned RP1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 86: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 87: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 88: unsigned CARRY :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 89: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 90: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 91: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 92: unsigned ZERO :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 93: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 94: } STATUSbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 95: extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits @ 0x003; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 154: extern volatile unsigned char FSR @ 0x004; -"156 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 156: asm("FSR equ 04h"); -[; <" FSR equ 04h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 160: extern volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x005; -"162 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 162: asm("PORTA equ 05h"); -[; <" PORTA equ 05h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 165: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 166: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 167: unsigned RA0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 168: unsigned RA1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 169: unsigned RA2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 170: unsigned RA3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 171: unsigned RA4 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 172: unsigned RA5 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 173: unsigned RA6 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 174: unsigned RA7 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 175: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 176: } PORTAbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 177: extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits @ 0x005; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 221: extern volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x006; -"223 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 223: asm("PORTB equ 06h"); -[; <" PORTB equ 06h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 226: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 227: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 228: unsigned RB0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 229: unsigned RB1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 230: unsigned RB2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 231: unsigned RB3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 232: unsigned RB4 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 233: unsigned RB5 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 234: unsigned RB6 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 235: unsigned RB7 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 236: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 237: } PORTBbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 238: extern volatile PORTBbits_t PORTBbits @ 0x006; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 282: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A; -"284 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 284: asm("PCLATH equ 0Ah"); -[; <" PCLATH equ 0Ah ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 287: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 288: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 289: unsigned PCLATH :5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 290: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 291: } PCLATHbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 292: extern volatile PCLATHbits_t PCLATHbits @ 0x00A; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 301: extern volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B; -"303 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 303: asm("INTCON equ 0Bh"); -[; <" INTCON equ 0Bh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 306: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 307: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 308: unsigned RBIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 309: unsigned INT0IF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 310: unsigned TMR0IF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 311: unsigned RBIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 312: unsigned INT0IE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 313: unsigned TMR0IE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 314: unsigned PEIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 315: unsigned GIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 316: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 317: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 318: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 319: unsigned INTF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 320: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 321: unsigned INTE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 322: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 323: } INTCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 324: extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits @ 0x00B; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 378: extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x00C; -"380 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 380: asm("PIR1 equ 0Ch"); -[; <" PIR1 equ 0Ch ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 383: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 384: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 385: unsigned TMR1IF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 386: unsigned TMR2IF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 387: unsigned CCP1IF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 388: unsigned SSPIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 389: unsigned TXIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 390: unsigned RCIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 391: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 392: } PIR1bits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 393: extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits @ 0x00C; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 427: extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 @ 0x00D; -"429 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 429: asm("PIR2 equ 0Dh"); -[; <" PIR2 equ 0Dh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 432: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 433: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 434: unsigned :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 435: unsigned EEIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 436: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 437: unsigned CMIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 438: unsigned OSFIF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 439: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 440: } PIR2bits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 441: extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits @ 0x00D; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 460: extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 @ 0x00E; -"462 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 462: asm("TMR1 equ 0Eh"); -[; <" TMR1 equ 0Eh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 466: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x00E; -"468 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 468: asm("TMR1L equ 0Eh"); -[; <" TMR1L equ 0Eh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 472: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x00F; -"474 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 474: asm("TMR1H equ 0Fh"); -[; <" TMR1H equ 0Fh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 478: extern volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x010; -"480 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 480: asm("T1CON equ 010h"); -[; <" T1CON equ 010h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 483: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 484: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 485: unsigned TMR1ON :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 486: unsigned TMR1CS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 487: unsigned nT1SYNC :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 488: unsigned T1OSCEN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 489: unsigned T1CKPS :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 490: unsigned T1RUN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 491: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 492: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 493: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 494: unsigned T1INSYNC :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 495: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 496: unsigned T1CKPS0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 497: unsigned T1CKPS1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 498: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 499: } T1CONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 500: extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits @ 0x010; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 549: extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x011; -"551 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 551: asm("TMR2 equ 011h"); -[; <" TMR2 equ 011h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 555: extern volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x012; -"557 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 557: asm("T2CON equ 012h"); -[; <" T2CON equ 012h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 560: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 561: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 562: unsigned T2CKPS :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 563: unsigned TMR2ON :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 564: unsigned TOUTPS :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 565: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 566: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 567: unsigned T2CKPS0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 568: unsigned T2CKPS1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 569: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 570: unsigned TOUTPS0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 571: unsigned TOUTPS1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 572: unsigned TOUTPS2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 573: unsigned TOUTPS3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 574: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 575: } T2CONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 576: extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits @ 0x012; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 625: extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x013; -"627 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 627: asm("SSPBUF equ 013h"); -[; <" SSPBUF equ 013h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 631: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x014; -"633 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 633: asm("SSPCON equ 014h"); -[; <" SSPCON equ 014h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 636: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 637: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 638: unsigned SSPM :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 639: unsigned CKP :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 640: unsigned SSPEN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 641: unsigned SSPOV :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 642: unsigned WCOL :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 643: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 644: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 645: unsigned SSPM0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 646: unsigned SSPM1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 647: unsigned SSPM2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 648: unsigned SSPM3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 649: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 650: } SSPCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 651: extern volatile SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits @ 0x014; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 700: extern volatile unsigned short CCPR1 @ 0x015; -"702 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 702: asm("CCPR1 equ 015h"); -[; <" CCPR1 equ 015h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 706: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x015; -"708 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 708: asm("CCPR1L equ 015h"); -[; <" CCPR1L equ 015h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 712: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x016; -"714 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 714: asm("CCPR1H equ 016h"); -[; <" CCPR1H equ 016h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 718: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x017; -"720 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 720: asm("CCP1CON equ 017h"); -[; <" CCP1CON equ 017h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 723: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 724: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 725: unsigned CCP1M :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 726: unsigned CCP1Y :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 727: unsigned CCP1X :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 728: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 729: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 730: unsigned CCP1M0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 731: unsigned CCP1M1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 732: unsigned CCP1M2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 733: unsigned CCP1M3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 734: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 735: } CCP1CONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 736: extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits @ 0x017; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 775: extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA @ 0x018; -"777 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 777: asm("RCSTA equ 018h"); -[; <" RCSTA equ 018h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 780: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 781: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 782: unsigned RX9D :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 783: unsigned OERR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 784: unsigned FERR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 785: unsigned ADDEN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 786: unsigned CREN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 787: unsigned SREN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 788: unsigned RX9 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 789: unsigned SPEN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 790: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 791: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 792: unsigned RCD8 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 793: unsigned :5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 794: unsigned RC9 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 795: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 796: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 797: unsigned :6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 798: unsigned nRC8 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 799: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 800: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 801: unsigned :6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 802: unsigned RC8_9 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 803: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 804: } RCSTAbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 805: extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits @ 0x018; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 869: extern volatile unsigned char TXREG @ 0x019; -"871 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 871: asm("TXREG equ 019h"); -[; <" TXREG equ 019h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 875: extern volatile unsigned char RCREG @ 0x01A; -"877 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 877: asm("RCREG equ 01Ah"); -[; <" RCREG equ 01Ah ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 881: extern volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x081; -"883 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 883: asm("OPTION_REG equ 081h"); -[; <" OPTION_REG equ 081h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 886: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 887: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 888: unsigned PS :3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 889: unsigned PSA :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 890: unsigned T0SE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 891: unsigned T0CS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 892: unsigned INTEDG :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 893: unsigned nRBPU :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 894: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 895: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 896: unsigned PS0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 897: unsigned PS1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 898: unsigned PS2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 899: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 900: } OPTION_REGbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 901: extern volatile OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits @ 0x081; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 950: extern volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x085; -"952 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 952: asm("TRISA equ 085h"); -[; <" TRISA equ 085h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 955: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 956: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 957: unsigned TRISA0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 958: unsigned TRISA1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 959: unsigned TRISA2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 960: unsigned TRISA3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 961: unsigned TRISA4 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 962: unsigned TRISA5 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 963: unsigned TRISA6 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 964: unsigned TRISA7 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 965: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 966: } TRISAbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 967: extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits @ 0x085; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1011: extern volatile unsigned char TRISB @ 0x086; -"1013 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1013: asm("TRISB equ 086h"); -[; <" TRISB equ 086h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1016: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1017: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1018: unsigned TRISB0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1019: unsigned TRISB1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1020: unsigned TRISB2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1021: unsigned TRISB3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1022: unsigned TRISB4 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1023: unsigned TRISB5 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1024: unsigned TRISB6 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1025: unsigned TRISB7 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1026: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1027: } TRISBbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1028: extern volatile TRISBbits_t TRISBbits @ 0x086; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1072: extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x08C; -"1074 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1074: asm("PIE1 equ 08Ch"); -[; <" PIE1 equ 08Ch ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1077: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1078: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1079: unsigned TMR1IE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1080: unsigned TMR2IE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1081: unsigned CCP1IE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1082: unsigned SSPIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1083: unsigned TXIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1084: unsigned RCIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1085: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1086: } PIE1bits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1087: extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits @ 0x08C; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1121: extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 @ 0x08D; -"1123 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1123: asm("PIE2 equ 08Dh"); -[; <" PIE2 equ 08Dh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1126: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1127: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1128: unsigned :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1129: unsigned EEIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1130: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1131: unsigned CMIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1132: unsigned OSFIE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1133: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1134: } PIE2bits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1135: extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits @ 0x08D; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1154: extern volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x08E; -"1156 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1156: asm("PCON equ 08Eh"); -[; <" PCON equ 08Eh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1159: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1160: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1161: unsigned nBOR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1162: unsigned nPOR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1163: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1164: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1165: unsigned nBO :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1166: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1167: } PCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1168: extern volatile PCONbits_t PCONbits @ 0x08E; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1187: extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON @ 0x08F; -"1189 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1189: asm("OSCCON equ 08Fh"); -[; <" OSCCON equ 08Fh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1192: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1193: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1194: unsigned SCS :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1195: unsigned IOFS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1196: unsigned OSTS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1197: unsigned IRCF :3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1198: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1199: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1200: unsigned SCS0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1201: unsigned SCS1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1202: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1203: unsigned IRCF0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1204: unsigned IRCF1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1205: unsigned IRCF2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1206: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1207: } OSCCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1208: extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits @ 0x08F; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1257: extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE @ 0x090; -"1259 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1259: asm("OSCTUNE equ 090h"); -[; <" OSCTUNE equ 090h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1262: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1263: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1264: unsigned TUN :6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1265: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1266: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1267: unsigned TUN0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1268: unsigned TUN1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1269: unsigned TUN2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1270: unsigned TUN3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1271: unsigned TUN4 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1272: unsigned TUN5 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1273: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1274: } OSCTUNEbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1275: extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits @ 0x090; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1314: extern volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x092; -"1316 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1316: asm("PR2 equ 092h"); -[; <" PR2 equ 092h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1320: extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x093; -"1322 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1322: asm("SSPADD equ 093h"); -[; <" SSPADD equ 093h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1326: extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x094; -"1328 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1328: asm("SSPSTAT equ 094h"); -[; <" SSPSTAT equ 094h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1331: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1332: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1333: unsigned BF :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1334: unsigned UA :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1335: unsigned R_nW :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1336: unsigned S :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1337: unsigned P :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1338: unsigned D_nA :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1339: unsigned CKE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1340: unsigned SMP :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1341: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1342: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1343: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1344: unsigned R :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1345: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1346: unsigned D :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1347: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1348: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1349: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1350: unsigned I2C_READ :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1351: unsigned I2C_START :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1352: unsigned I2C_STOP :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1353: unsigned I2C_DATA :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1354: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1355: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1356: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1357: unsigned nW :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1358: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1359: unsigned nA :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1360: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1361: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1362: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1363: unsigned nWRITE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1364: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1365: unsigned nADDRESS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1366: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1367: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1368: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1369: unsigned R_W :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1370: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1371: unsigned D_A :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1372: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1373: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1374: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1375: unsigned READ_WRITE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1376: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1377: unsigned DATA_ADDRESS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1378: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1379: } SSPSTATbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1380: extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits @ 0x094; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1494: extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA @ 0x098; -"1496 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1496: asm("TXSTA equ 098h"); -[; <" TXSTA equ 098h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1499: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1500: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1501: unsigned TX9D :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1502: unsigned TRMT :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1503: unsigned BRGH :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1504: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1505: unsigned SYNC :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1506: unsigned TXEN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1507: unsigned TX9 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1508: unsigned CSRC :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1509: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1510: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1511: unsigned TXD8 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1512: unsigned :5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1513: unsigned nTX8 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1514: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1515: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1516: unsigned :6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1517: unsigned TX8_9 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1518: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1519: } TXSTAbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1520: extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits @ 0x098; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1574: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG @ 0x099; -"1576 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1576: asm("SPBRG equ 099h"); -[; <" SPBRG equ 099h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1580: extern volatile unsigned char CMCON @ 0x09C; -"1582 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1582: asm("CMCON equ 09Ch"); -[; <" CMCON equ 09Ch ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1585: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1586: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1587: unsigned CM :3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1588: unsigned CIS :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1589: unsigned C1INV :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1590: unsigned C2INV :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1591: unsigned C1OUT :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1592: unsigned C2OUT :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1593: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1594: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1595: unsigned CM0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1596: unsigned CM1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1597: unsigned CM2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1598: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1599: } CMCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1600: extern volatile CMCONbits_t CMCONbits @ 0x09C; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1649: extern volatile unsigned char CVRCON @ 0x09D; -"1651 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1651: asm("CVRCON equ 09Dh"); -[; <" CVRCON equ 09Dh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1654: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1655: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1656: unsigned CVR :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1657: unsigned :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1658: unsigned CVRR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1659: unsigned CVROE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1660: unsigned CVREN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1661: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1662: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1663: unsigned CVR0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1664: unsigned CVR1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1665: unsigned CVR2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1666: unsigned CVR3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1667: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1668: } CVRCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1669: extern volatile CVRCONbits_t CVRCONbits @ 0x09D; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1713: extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON @ 0x105; -"1715 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1715: asm("WDTCON equ 0105h"); -[; <" WDTCON equ 0105h ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1718: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1719: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1720: unsigned SWDTEN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1721: unsigned WDTPS :4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1722: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1723: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1724: unsigned SWDTE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1725: unsigned WDTPS0 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1726: unsigned WDTPS1 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1727: unsigned WDTPS2 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1728: unsigned WDTPS3 :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1729: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1730: } WDTCONbits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1731: extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits @ 0x105; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1770: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATA @ 0x10C; -"1772 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1772: asm("EEDATA equ 010Ch"); -[; <" EEDATA equ 010Ch ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1776: extern volatile unsigned char EEADR @ 0x10D; -"1778 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1778: asm("EEADR equ 010Dh"); -[; <" EEADR equ 010Dh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1782: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATH @ 0x10E; -"1784 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1784: asm("EEDATH equ 010Eh"); -[; <" EEDATH equ 010Eh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1788: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRH @ 0x10F; -"1790 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1790: asm("EEADRH equ 010Fh"); -[; <" EEADRH equ 010Fh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1794: extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 @ 0x18C; -"1796 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1796: asm("EECON1 equ 018Ch"); -[; <" EECON1 equ 018Ch ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1799: typedef union { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1800: struct { -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1801: unsigned RD :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1802: unsigned WR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1803: unsigned WREN :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1804: unsigned WRERR :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1805: unsigned FREE :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1806: unsigned :2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1807: unsigned EEPGD :1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1808: }; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1809: } EECON1bits_t; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1810: extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits @ 0x18C; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1844: extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 @ 0x18D; -"1846 -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1846: asm("EECON2 equ 018Dh"); -[; <" EECON2 equ 018Dh ;# "> -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1856: extern volatile __bit ADDEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1858: extern volatile __bit BF @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1860: extern volatile __bit BRGH @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1862: extern volatile __bit C1INV @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1864: extern volatile __bit C1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1866: extern volatile __bit C2INV @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1868: extern volatile __bit C2OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1870: extern volatile __bit CARRY @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1872: extern volatile __bit CCP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1874: extern volatile __bit CCP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1876: extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1878: extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1880: extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1882: extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1884: extern volatile __bit CCP1X @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1886: extern volatile __bit CCP1Y @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1888: extern volatile __bit CIS @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1890: extern volatile __bit CKE @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1892: extern volatile __bit CKP @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1894: extern volatile __bit CM0 @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1896: extern volatile __bit CM1 @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1898: extern volatile __bit CM2 @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1900: extern volatile __bit CMIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1902: extern volatile __bit CMIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1904: extern volatile __bit CREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1906: extern volatile __bit CSRC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1908: extern volatile __bit CVR0 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1910: extern volatile __bit CVR1 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1912: extern volatile __bit CVR2 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1914: extern volatile __bit CVR3 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1916: extern volatile __bit CVREN @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1918: extern volatile __bit CVROE @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1920: extern volatile __bit CVRR @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1922: extern volatile __bit DATA_ADDRESS @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1924: extern volatile __bit DC @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1926: extern volatile __bit D_A @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1928: extern volatile __bit D_nA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1930: extern volatile __bit EEIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1932: extern volatile __bit EEIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1934: extern volatile __bit EEPGD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1936: extern volatile __bit FERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1938: extern volatile __bit FREE @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1940: extern volatile __bit GIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1942: extern volatile __bit I2C_DATA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1944: extern volatile __bit I2C_READ @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1946: extern volatile __bit I2C_START @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1948: extern volatile __bit I2C_STOP @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1950: extern volatile __bit INT0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1952: extern volatile __bit INT0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1954: extern volatile __bit INTE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1956: extern volatile __bit INTEDG @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1958: extern volatile __bit INTF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1960: extern volatile __bit IOFS @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1962: extern volatile __bit IRCF0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1964: extern volatile __bit IRCF1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1966: extern volatile __bit IRCF2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1968: extern volatile __bit IRP @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1970: extern volatile __bit OERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1972: extern volatile __bit OSFIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1974: extern volatile __bit OSFIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1976: extern volatile __bit OSTS @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1978: extern volatile __bit PEIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1980: extern volatile __bit PS0 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1982: extern volatile __bit PS1 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1984: extern volatile __bit PS2 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1986: extern volatile __bit PSA @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1988: extern volatile __bit RA0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1990: extern volatile __bit RA1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1992: extern volatile __bit RA2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1994: extern volatile __bit RA3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1996: extern volatile __bit RA4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 1998: extern volatile __bit RA5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2000: extern volatile __bit RA6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2002: extern volatile __bit RA7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2004: extern volatile __bit RB0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2006: extern volatile __bit RB1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2008: extern volatile __bit RB2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2010: extern volatile __bit RB3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2012: extern volatile __bit RB4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2014: extern volatile __bit RB5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2016: extern volatile __bit RB6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2018: extern volatile __bit RB7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2020: extern volatile __bit RBIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2022: extern volatile __bit RBIF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2024: extern volatile __bit RC8_9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2026: extern volatile __bit RC9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2028: extern volatile __bit RCD8 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2030: extern volatile __bit RCIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2032: extern volatile __bit RCIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2034: extern volatile __bit RD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2036: extern volatile __bit READ_WRITE @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2038: extern volatile __bit RP0 @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2040: extern volatile __bit RP1 @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2042: extern volatile __bit RX9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2044: extern volatile __bit RX9D @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2046: extern volatile __bit R_W @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2048: extern volatile __bit R_nW @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2050: extern volatile __bit SCS0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2052: extern volatile __bit SCS1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2054: extern volatile __bit SMP @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2056: extern volatile __bit SPEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2058: extern volatile __bit SREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2060: extern volatile __bit SSPEN @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2062: extern volatile __bit SSPIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2064: extern volatile __bit SSPIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2066: extern volatile __bit SSPM0 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2068: extern volatile __bit SSPM1 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2070: extern volatile __bit SSPM2 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2072: extern volatile __bit SSPM3 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2074: extern volatile __bit SSPOV @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2076: extern volatile __bit SWDTE @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2078: extern volatile __bit SWDTEN @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2080: extern volatile __bit SYNC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2082: extern volatile __bit T0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2084: extern volatile __bit T0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2086: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2088: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2090: extern volatile __bit T1INSYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2092: extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2094: extern volatile __bit T1RUN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2096: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2098: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2100: extern volatile __bit TMR0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2102: extern volatile __bit TMR0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2104: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2106: extern volatile __bit TMR1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2108: extern volatile __bit TMR1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2110: extern volatile __bit TMR1ON @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2112: extern volatile __bit TMR2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2114: extern volatile __bit TMR2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2116: extern volatile __bit TMR2ON @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2118: extern volatile __bit TOUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2120: extern volatile __bit TOUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2122: extern volatile __bit TOUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2124: extern volatile __bit TOUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2126: extern volatile __bit TRISA0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2128: extern volatile __bit TRISA1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2130: extern volatile __bit TRISA2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2132: extern volatile __bit TRISA3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2134: extern volatile __bit TRISA4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2136: extern volatile __bit TRISA5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2138: extern volatile __bit TRISA6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2140: extern volatile __bit TRISA7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2142: extern volatile __bit TRISB0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2144: extern volatile __bit TRISB1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2146: extern volatile __bit TRISB2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2148: extern volatile __bit TRISB3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2150: extern volatile __bit TRISB4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2152: extern volatile __bit TRISB5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2154: extern volatile __bit TRISB6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2156: extern volatile __bit TRISB7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2158: extern volatile __bit TRMT @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2160: extern volatile __bit TUN0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2162: extern volatile __bit TUN1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2164: extern volatile __bit TUN2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2166: extern volatile __bit TUN3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2168: extern volatile __bit TUN4 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2170: extern volatile __bit TUN5 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2172: extern volatile __bit TX8_9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2174: extern volatile __bit TX9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2176: extern volatile __bit TX9D @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2178: extern volatile __bit TXD8 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2180: extern volatile __bit TXEN @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2182: extern volatile __bit TXIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2184: extern volatile __bit TXIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2186: extern volatile __bit UA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2188: extern volatile __bit WCOL @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2190: extern volatile __bit WDTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2192: extern volatile __bit WDTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2194: extern volatile __bit WDTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2196: extern volatile __bit WDTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2198: extern volatile __bit WR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2200: extern volatile __bit WREN @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2202: extern volatile __bit WRERR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2204: extern volatile __bit ZERO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2206: extern volatile __bit nA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2208: extern volatile __bit nADDRESS @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2210: extern volatile __bit nBO @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2212: extern volatile __bit nBOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2214: extern volatile __bit nPD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 3; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2216: extern volatile __bit nPOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 1; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2218: extern volatile __bit nRBPU @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 7; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2220: extern volatile __bit nRC8 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2222: extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2224: extern volatile __bit nTO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 4; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2226: extern volatile __bit nTX8 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2228: extern volatile __bit nW @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; -[; ;pic16f87.h: 2230: extern volatile __bit nWRITE @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; -[; ;htc.h: 26: extern const char __xc8_OPTIM_SPEED; -[; ;xc8debug.h: 14: extern void __builtin_software_breakpoint(void); -[; ;pic.h: 28: extern void __nop(void); -[; ;pic.h: 76: extern unsigned int flash_read(unsigned short addr); -[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 41: extern void eeprom_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value); -[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 42: extern unsigned char eeprom_read(unsigned char addr); -[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 43: extern void eecpymem(volatile unsigned char *to, __eeprom unsigned char *from, unsigned char size); -[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 44: extern void memcpyee(__eeprom unsigned char *to, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char size); -[; ;pic.h: 150: extern __nonreentrant void _delay(unsigned long); -[; ;pic.h: 184: extern unsigned char __resetbits; -[; ;pic.h: 185: extern __bit __powerdown; -[; ;pic.h: 186: extern __bit __timeout; -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 42: void init_oscillator(void); -"58 main_feux_wc.c -[v _main `(i ~T0 @X0 1 ef ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 58: int main(void) { -[e :U _main ] -[f ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 60: init_oscillator(); -"60 -[e ( _init_oscillator .. ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 63: TRISA=0x00; -"63 -[e = _TRISA -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 64: TRISB=0xFF; -"64 -[e = _TRISB -> -> 255 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 70: PORTA=0x00; -"70 -[e = _PORTA -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 71: PORTB=0x00; -"71 -[e = _PORTB -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -"72 -[v _nb_sec `i ~T0 @X0 1 a ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 72: int nb_sec=0; -[e = _nb_sec -> 0 `i ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 74: while(1) -"74 -[e :U 81 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 75: { -"75 -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 76: if(PORTBbits.RB1==0){ -"76 -[e $ ! == -> . . _PORTBbits 0 1 `i -> 0 `i 83 ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 77: _delay((unsigned long)((10)*(8000000/4000.0))); -"77 -[e ( __delay (1 -> * -> -> 10 `i `d / -> -> 8000000 `l `d .4000.0 `ul ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 78: if(PORTBbits.RB1==0){ -"78 -[e $ ! == -> . . _PORTBbits 0 1 `i -> 0 `i 84 ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 79: PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 1; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -"79 -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 0 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 1 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 2 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 80: for(nb_sec=5;nb_sec>0;nb_sec--) -"80 -{ -[e = _nb_sec -> 5 `i ] -[e $ > _nb_sec -> 0 `i 85 ] -[e $U 86 ] -"81 -[e :U 85 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 81: _delay((unsigned long)((1000)*(8000000/4000.0))); -[e ( __delay (1 -> * -> -> 1000 `i `d / -> -> 8000000 `l `d .4000.0 `ul ] -"80 -[e -- _nb_sec -> 1 `i ] -[e $ > _nb_sec -> 0 `i 85 ] -[e :U 86 ] -"81 -} -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 82: PORTAbits.RA0 = 1; PORTAbits.RA1 = 0; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -"82 -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 0 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 1 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 2 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -"83 -} -[e :U 84 ] -"84 -} -[e :U 83 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 83: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 84: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 85: if(PORTBbits.RB2==0){ -"85 -[e $ ! == -> . . _PORTBbits 0 2 `i -> 0 `i 88 ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 86: _delay((unsigned long)((10)*(8000000/4000.0))); -"86 -[e ( __delay (1 -> * -> -> 10 `i `d / -> -> 8000000 `l `d .4000.0 `ul ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 87: if(PORTBbits.RB2==0){ -"87 -[e $ ! == -> . . _PORTBbits 0 2 `i -> 0 `i 89 ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 88: PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 1; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -"88 -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 0 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 1 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 2 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 89: for(nb_sec=5;nb_sec>0;nb_sec--) -"89 -{ -[e = _nb_sec -> 5 `i ] -[e $ > _nb_sec -> 0 `i 90 ] -[e $U 91 ] -"90 -[e :U 90 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 90: _delay((unsigned long)((1000)*(8000000/4000.0))); -[e ( __delay (1 -> * -> -> 1000 `i `d / -> -> 8000000 `l `d .4000.0 `ul ] -"89 -[e -- _nb_sec -> 1 `i ] -[e $ > _nb_sec -> 0 `i 90 ] -[e :U 91 ] -"90 -} -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 91: PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 0; PORTAbits.RA2 = 1; -"91 -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 0 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 1 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 2 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -"92 -} -[e :U 89 ] -"93 -} -[e :U 88 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 92: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 93: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 94: if(PORTBbits.RB3==0){ -"94 -[e $ ! == -> . . _PORTBbits 0 3 `i -> 0 `i 93 ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 95: _delay((unsigned long)((10)*(8000000/4000.0))); -"95 -[e ( __delay (1 -> * -> -> 10 `i `d / -> -> 8000000 `l `d .4000.0 `ul ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 96: if(PORTBbits.RB3==0){ -"96 -[e $ ! == -> . . _PORTBbits 0 3 `i -> 0 `i 94 ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 97: PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 1; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -"97 -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 0 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 1 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 2 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 98: for(nb_sec=60;nb_sec>0;nb_sec--) -"98 -{ -[e = _nb_sec -> 60 `i ] -[e $ > _nb_sec -> 0 `i 95 ] -[e $U 96 ] -"99 -[e :U 95 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 99: _delay((unsigned long)((1000)*(8000000/4000.0))); -[e ( __delay (1 -> * -> -> 1000 `i `d / -> -> 8000000 `l `d .4000.0 `ul ] -"98 -[e -- _nb_sec -> 1 `i ] -[e $ > _nb_sec -> 0 `i 95 ] -[e :U 96 ] -"99 -} -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 100: PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 0; PORTAbits.RA2 = 1; -"100 -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 0 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 1 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[e = . . _PORTAbits 0 2 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -"101 -} -[e :U 94 ] -"102 -} -[e :U 93 ] -"107 -} -[e :U 80 ] -"74 -[e $U 81 ] -[e :U 82 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 101: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 102: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 107: } -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 108: return 0; -"108 -[e ) -> 0 `i ] -[e $UE 79 ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 109: } -"109 -[e :UE 79 ] -} -"111 -[v _init_oscillator `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef ] -{ -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 111: void init_oscillator(void){ -[e :U _init_oscillator ] -[f ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 112: OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b111; -"112 -[e = . . _OSCCONbits 0 3 -> -> 7 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 113: OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b00; -"113 -[e = . . _OSCCONbits 0 0 -> -> 0 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 114: OSCCONbits.IOFS = 1; -"114 -[e = . . _OSCCONbits 0 1 -> -> 1 `i `uc ] -[; ;main_feux_wc.c: 115: } -"115 -[e :UE 98 ] -} diff --git a/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1.d b/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1.d deleted file mode 100644 index b6d0be0..0000000 --- a/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1.d +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - build/default/production/main_feux_wc.d \ - build/default/production/main_feux_wc.p1: \ - main_feux_wc.c \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.pre b/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.pre deleted file mode 100644 index 0a2c4ae..0000000 --- a/build/default/production/main_feux_wc.pre +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@ - -# 1 "main_feux_wc.c" - - -# 12 -#pragma config CP = ON -#pragma config CCPMX = RB3 -#pragma config DEBUG = OFF -#pragma config WRT = OFF -#pragma config CPD = ON -#pragma config LVP = OFF -#pragma config BOREN = OFF -#pragma config MCLRE = OFF -#pragma config PWRTE = ON -#pragma config WDTE = OFF -#pragma config FOSC = INTOSCIO - -# 49 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic16f87.h" -extern volatile unsigned char INDF @ 0x000; - -asm("INDF equ 00h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x001; - -asm("TMR0 equ 01h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002; - -asm("PCL equ 02h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003; - -asm("STATUS equ 03h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned C :1; -unsigned DC :1; -unsigned Z :1; -unsigned nPD :1; -unsigned nTO :1; -unsigned RP :2; -unsigned IRP :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :5; -unsigned RP0 :1; -unsigned RP1 :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned CARRY :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned ZERO :1; -}; -} STATUSbits_t; -extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits @ 0x003; - -# 154 -extern volatile unsigned char FSR @ 0x004; - -asm("FSR equ 04h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x005; - -asm("PORTA equ 05h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned RA0 :1; -unsigned RA1 :1; -unsigned RA2 :1; -unsigned RA3 :1; -unsigned RA4 :1; -unsigned RA5 :1; -unsigned RA6 :1; -unsigned RA7 :1; -}; -} PORTAbits_t; -extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits @ 0x005; - -# 221 -extern volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x006; - -asm("PORTB equ 06h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned RB0 :1; -unsigned RB1 :1; -unsigned RB2 :1; -unsigned RB3 :1; -unsigned RB4 :1; -unsigned RB5 :1; -unsigned RB6 :1; -unsigned RB7 :1; -}; -} PORTBbits_t; -extern volatile PORTBbits_t PORTBbits @ 0x006; - -# 282 -extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A; - -asm("PCLATH equ 0Ah"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned PCLATH :5; -}; -} PCLATHbits_t; -extern volatile PCLATHbits_t PCLATHbits @ 0x00A; - -# 301 -extern volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B; - -asm("INTCON equ 0Bh"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned RBIF :1; -unsigned INT0IF :1; -unsigned TMR0IF :1; -unsigned RBIE :1; -unsigned INT0IE :1; -unsigned TMR0IE :1; -unsigned PEIE :1; -unsigned GIE :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :1; -unsigned INTF :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned INTE :1; -}; -} INTCONbits_t; -extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits @ 0x00B; - -# 378 -extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x00C; - -asm("PIR1 equ 0Ch"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TMR1IF :1; -unsigned TMR2IF :1; -unsigned CCP1IF :1; -unsigned SSPIF :1; -unsigned TXIF :1; -unsigned RCIF :1; -}; -} PIR1bits_t; -extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits @ 0x00C; - -# 427 -extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 @ 0x00D; - -asm("PIR2 equ 0Dh"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned :4; -unsigned EEIF :1; -unsigned :1; -unsigned CMIF :1; -unsigned OSFIF :1; -}; -} PIR2bits_t; -extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits @ 0x00D; - -# 460 -extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 @ 0x00E; - -asm("TMR1 equ 0Eh"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x00E; - -asm("TMR1L equ 0Eh"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x00F; - -asm("TMR1H equ 0Fh"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x010; - -asm("T1CON equ 010h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TMR1ON :1; -unsigned TMR1CS :1; -unsigned nT1SYNC :1; -unsigned T1OSCEN :1; -unsigned T1CKPS :2; -unsigned T1RUN :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned T1INSYNC :1; -unsigned :1; -unsigned T1CKPS0 :1; -unsigned T1CKPS1 :1; -}; -} T1CONbits_t; -extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits @ 0x010; - -# 549 -extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x011; - -asm("TMR2 equ 011h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x012; - -asm("T2CON equ 012h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned T2CKPS :2; -unsigned TMR2ON :1; -unsigned TOUTPS :4; -}; -struct { -unsigned T2CKPS0 :1; -unsigned T2CKPS1 :1; -unsigned :1; -unsigned TOUTPS0 :1; -unsigned TOUTPS1 :1; -unsigned TOUTPS2 :1; -unsigned TOUTPS3 :1; -}; -} T2CONbits_t; -extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits @ 0x012; - -# 625 -extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x013; - -asm("SSPBUF equ 013h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x014; - -asm("SSPCON equ 014h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned SSPM :4; -unsigned CKP :1; -unsigned SSPEN :1; -unsigned SSPOV :1; -unsigned WCOL :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned SSPM0 :1; -unsigned SSPM1 :1; -unsigned SSPM2 :1; -unsigned SSPM3 :1; -}; -} SSPCONbits_t; -extern volatile SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits @ 0x014; - -# 700 -extern volatile unsigned short CCPR1 @ 0x015; - -asm("CCPR1 equ 015h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x015; - -asm("CCPR1L equ 015h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x016; - -asm("CCPR1H equ 016h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x017; - -asm("CCP1CON equ 017h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned CCP1M :4; -unsigned CCP1Y :1; -unsigned CCP1X :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned CCP1M0 :1; -unsigned CCP1M1 :1; -unsigned CCP1M2 :1; -unsigned CCP1M3 :1; -}; -} CCP1CONbits_t; -extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits @ 0x017; - -# 775 -extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA @ 0x018; - -asm("RCSTA equ 018h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned RX9D :1; -unsigned OERR :1; -unsigned FERR :1; -unsigned ADDEN :1; -unsigned CREN :1; -unsigned SREN :1; -unsigned RX9 :1; -unsigned SPEN :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned RCD8 :1; -unsigned :5; -unsigned RC9 :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :6; -unsigned nRC8 :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :6; -unsigned RC8_9 :1; -}; -} RCSTAbits_t; -extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits @ 0x018; - -# 869 -extern volatile unsigned char TXREG @ 0x019; - -asm("TXREG equ 019h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char RCREG @ 0x01A; - -asm("RCREG equ 01Ah"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x081; - -asm("OPTION_REG equ 081h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned PS :3; -unsigned PSA :1; -unsigned T0SE :1; -unsigned T0CS :1; -unsigned INTEDG :1; -unsigned nRBPU :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned PS0 :1; -unsigned PS1 :1; -unsigned PS2 :1; -}; -} OPTION_REGbits_t; -extern volatile OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits @ 0x081; - -# 950 -extern volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x085; - -asm("TRISA equ 085h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TRISA0 :1; -unsigned TRISA1 :1; -unsigned TRISA2 :1; -unsigned TRISA3 :1; -unsigned TRISA4 :1; -unsigned TRISA5 :1; -unsigned TRISA6 :1; -unsigned TRISA7 :1; -}; -} TRISAbits_t; -extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits @ 0x085; - -# 1011 -extern volatile unsigned char TRISB @ 0x086; - -asm("TRISB equ 086h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TRISB0 :1; -unsigned TRISB1 :1; -unsigned TRISB2 :1; -unsigned TRISB3 :1; -unsigned TRISB4 :1; -unsigned TRISB5 :1; -unsigned TRISB6 :1; -unsigned TRISB7 :1; -}; -} TRISBbits_t; -extern volatile TRISBbits_t TRISBbits @ 0x086; - -# 1072 -extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x08C; - -asm("PIE1 equ 08Ch"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TMR1IE :1; -unsigned TMR2IE :1; -unsigned CCP1IE :1; -unsigned SSPIE :1; -unsigned TXIE :1; -unsigned RCIE :1; -}; -} PIE1bits_t; -extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits @ 0x08C; - -# 1121 -extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 @ 0x08D; - -asm("PIE2 equ 08Dh"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned :4; -unsigned EEIE :1; -unsigned :1; -unsigned CMIE :1; -unsigned OSFIE :1; -}; -} PIE2bits_t; -extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits @ 0x08D; - -# 1154 -extern volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x08E; - -asm("PCON equ 08Eh"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned nBOR :1; -unsigned nPOR :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned nBO :1; -}; -} PCONbits_t; -extern volatile PCONbits_t PCONbits @ 0x08E; - -# 1187 -extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON @ 0x08F; - -asm("OSCCON equ 08Fh"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned SCS :2; -unsigned IOFS :1; -unsigned OSTS :1; -unsigned IRCF :3; -}; -struct { -unsigned SCS0 :1; -unsigned SCS1 :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned IRCF0 :1; -unsigned IRCF1 :1; -unsigned IRCF2 :1; -}; -} OSCCONbits_t; -extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits @ 0x08F; - -# 1257 -extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE @ 0x090; - -asm("OSCTUNE equ 090h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TUN :6; -}; -struct { -unsigned TUN0 :1; -unsigned TUN1 :1; -unsigned TUN2 :1; -unsigned TUN3 :1; -unsigned TUN4 :1; -unsigned TUN5 :1; -}; -} OSCTUNEbits_t; -extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits @ 0x090; - -# 1314 -extern volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x092; - -asm("PR2 equ 092h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x093; - -asm("SSPADD equ 093h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x094; - -asm("SSPSTAT equ 094h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned BF :1; -unsigned UA :1; -unsigned R_nW :1; -unsigned S :1; -unsigned P :1; -unsigned D_nA :1; -unsigned CKE :1; -unsigned SMP :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned R :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned D :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned I2C_READ :1; -unsigned I2C_START :1; -unsigned I2C_STOP :1; -unsigned I2C_DATA :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned nW :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned nA :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned nWRITE :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned nADDRESS :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned R_W :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned D_A :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :2; -unsigned READ_WRITE :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned DATA_ADDRESS :1; -}; -} SSPSTATbits_t; -extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits @ 0x094; - -# 1494 -extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA @ 0x098; - -asm("TXSTA equ 098h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned TX9D :1; -unsigned TRMT :1; -unsigned BRGH :1; -unsigned :1; -unsigned SYNC :1; -unsigned TXEN :1; -unsigned TX9 :1; -unsigned CSRC :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned TXD8 :1; -unsigned :5; -unsigned nTX8 :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned :6; -unsigned TX8_9 :1; -}; -} TXSTAbits_t; -extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits @ 0x098; - -# 1574 -extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG @ 0x099; - -asm("SPBRG equ 099h"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char CMCON @ 0x09C; - -asm("CMCON equ 09Ch"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned CM :3; -unsigned CIS :1; -unsigned C1INV :1; -unsigned C2INV :1; -unsigned C1OUT :1; -unsigned C2OUT :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned CM0 :1; -unsigned CM1 :1; -unsigned CM2 :1; -}; -} CMCONbits_t; -extern volatile CMCONbits_t CMCONbits @ 0x09C; - -# 1649 -extern volatile unsigned char CVRCON @ 0x09D; - -asm("CVRCON equ 09Dh"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned CVR :4; -unsigned :1; -unsigned CVRR :1; -unsigned CVROE :1; -unsigned CVREN :1; -}; -struct { -unsigned CVR0 :1; -unsigned CVR1 :1; -unsigned CVR2 :1; -unsigned CVR3 :1; -}; -} CVRCONbits_t; -extern volatile CVRCONbits_t CVRCONbits @ 0x09D; - -# 1713 -extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON @ 0x105; - -asm("WDTCON equ 0105h"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned SWDTEN :1; -unsigned WDTPS :4; -}; -struct { -unsigned SWDTE :1; -unsigned WDTPS0 :1; -unsigned WDTPS1 :1; -unsigned WDTPS2 :1; -unsigned WDTPS3 :1; -}; -} WDTCONbits_t; -extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits @ 0x105; - -# 1770 -extern volatile unsigned char EEDATA @ 0x10C; - -asm("EEDATA equ 010Ch"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char EEADR @ 0x10D; - -asm("EEADR equ 010Dh"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char EEDATH @ 0x10E; - -asm("EEDATH equ 010Eh"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char EEADRH @ 0x10F; - -asm("EEADRH equ 010Fh"); - - - -extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 @ 0x18C; - -asm("EECON1 equ 018Ch"); - - -typedef union { -struct { -unsigned RD :1; -unsigned WR :1; -unsigned WREN :1; -unsigned WRERR :1; -unsigned FREE :1; -unsigned :2; -unsigned EEPGD :1; -}; -} EECON1bits_t; -extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits @ 0x18C; - -# 1844 -extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 @ 0x18D; - -asm("EECON2 equ 018Dh"); - -# 1856 -extern volatile __bit ADDEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit BF @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit BRGH @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit C1INV @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit C1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit C2INV @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit C2OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit CARRY @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1X @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit CCP1Y @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit CIS @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit CKE @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit CKP @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit CM0 @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit CM1 @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit CM2 @ (((unsigned) &CMCON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit CMIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit CMIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit CREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit CSRC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit CVR0 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit CVR1 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit CVR2 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit CVR3 @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit CVREN @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit CVROE @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit CVRR @ (((unsigned) &CVRCON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit DATA_ADDRESS @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit DC @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit D_A @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit D_nA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit EEIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit EEIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit EEPGD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit FERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit FREE @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit GIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit I2C_DATA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit I2C_READ @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit I2C_START @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit I2C_STOP @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit INT0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit INT0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit INTE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit INTEDG @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit INTF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit IOFS @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit IRCF0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit IRCF1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit IRCF2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit IRP @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit OERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit OSFIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit OSFIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit OSTS @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit PEIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit PS0 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit PS1 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit PS2 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit PSA @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit RA0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit RA1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit RA2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit RA3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit RA4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit RA5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit RA6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit RA7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit RB0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit RB1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit RB2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit RB3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit RB4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit RB5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit RB6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit RB7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit RBIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit RBIF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit RC8_9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit RC9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit RCD8 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit RCIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit RCIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit RD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit READ_WRITE @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit RP0 @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit RP1 @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit RX9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit RX9D @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit R_W @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit R_nW @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit SCS0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit SCS1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit SMP @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit SPEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit SREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit SSPEN @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit SSPIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit SSPIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit SSPM0 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit SSPM1 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit SSPM2 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit SSPM3 @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit SSPOV @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit SWDTE @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit SWDTEN @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit SYNC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit T0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit T0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit T1INSYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit T1RUN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TMR0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit TMR0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit TMR1CS @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TMR1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TMR1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TMR1ON @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TMR2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TMR2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TMR2ON @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit TOUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit TOUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit TOUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit TOUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit TRISA7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit TRISB7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit TRMT @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TUN0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TUN1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit TUN2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit TUN3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit TUN4 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit TUN5 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit TX8_9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit TX9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit TX9D @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TXD8 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit TXEN @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit TXIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit TXIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit UA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit WCOL @ (((unsigned) &SSPCON)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit WDTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit WDTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit WDTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit WDTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit WR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit WREN @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit WRERR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit ZERO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit nA @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit nADDRESS @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 5; - -extern volatile __bit nBO @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit nBOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0; - -extern volatile __bit nPD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 3; - -extern volatile __bit nPOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 1; - -extern volatile __bit nRBPU @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 7; - -extern volatile __bit nRC8 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit nTO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 4; - -extern volatile __bit nTX8 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6; - -extern volatile __bit nW @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; - -extern volatile __bit nWRITE @ (((unsigned) &SSPSTAT)*8) + 2; - -# 26 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\htc.h" -extern const char __xc8_OPTIM_SPEED; - - -# 13 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\xc8debug.h" -#pragma intrinsic(__builtin_software_breakpoint) -extern void __builtin_software_breakpoint(void); - - -# 27 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic.h" -#pragma intrinsic(__nop) -extern void __nop(void); - -# 76 -extern unsigned int flash_read(unsigned short addr); - -# 41 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\eeprom_routines.h" -extern void eeprom_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value); -extern unsigned char eeprom_read(unsigned char addr); -extern void eecpymem(volatile unsigned char *to, __eeprom unsigned char *from, unsigned char size); -extern void memcpyee(__eeprom unsigned char *to, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char size); - - -# 149 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic.h" -#pragma intrinsic(_delay) -extern __nonreentrant void _delay(unsigned long); - -# 184 -extern unsigned char __resetbits; -extern __bit __powerdown; -extern __bit __timeout; - -# 42 "main_feux_wc.c" -void init_oscillator(void); - -# 58 -int main(void) { - -init_oscillator(); - - -TRISA=0x00; -TRISB=0xFF; - -# 70 -PORTA=0x00; -PORTB=0x00; -int nb_sec=0; - -while(1) -{ -if(PORTBbits.RB1==0){ -_delay((unsigned long)((10)*(8000000/4000.0))); -if(PORTBbits.RB1==0){ -PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 1; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -for(nb_sec=5;nb_sec>0;nb_sec--) -_delay((unsigned long)((1000)*(8000000/4000.0))); -PORTAbits.RA0 = 1; PORTAbits.RA1 = 0; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -} -} -if(PORTBbits.RB2==0){ -_delay((unsigned long)((10)*(8000000/4000.0))); -if(PORTBbits.RB2==0){ -PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 1; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -for(nb_sec=5;nb_sec>0;nb_sec--) -_delay((unsigned long)((1000)*(8000000/4000.0))); -PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 0; PORTAbits.RA2 = 1; -} -} -if(PORTBbits.RB3==0){ -_delay((unsigned long)((10)*(8000000/4000.0))); -if(PORTBbits.RB3==0){ -PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 1; PORTAbits.RA2 = 0; -for(nb_sec=60;nb_sec>0;nb_sec--) -_delay((unsigned long)((1000)*(8000000/4000.0))); -PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; PORTAbits.RA1 = 0; PORTAbits.RA2 = 1; -} -} - -# 107 -} -return 0; -} - -void init_oscillator(void){ -OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b111; -OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b00; -OSCCONbits.IOFS = 1; -} - diff --git a/dist/default/production/feux_wc.X.production.cmf b/dist/default/production/feux_wc.X.production.cmf deleted file mode 100644 index 32eb42c..0000000 --- a/dist/default/production/feux_wc.X.production.cmf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,290 +0,0 @@ -%CMF -# %PSECTS Section -# For each object file, details of its psects are enumerated here. -# The begining of the section is indicated by %PSECTS. The first -# line indicates the name of the first object file, e.g. -# $foo.obj -# Each line that follows describes a psect in that object file, until -# the next object file. The lines that describe a psect have the -# format: -# -# All addresses and the length are given in unqualified hexadecimal -# in delta units. Any other numeric values are decimal. -%PSECTS -$C:\Users\micka\AppData\Local\Temp\sar0.obj -end_init CODE 0 0 0 2 2 -config CONFIG 0 2007 2007 1 2 -$dist/default/production\feux_wc.X.production.obj -cinit CODE 0 7FD 7FD 3 2 -text1 CODE 0 71A 71A 8 2 -maintext CODE 0 722 722 DB 2 -cstackCOMMON COMMON 1 70 70 5 1 -# %UNUSED Section -# This section enumerates the unused ranges of each CLASS. Each entry -# is described on a single line as follows: -# -# Addresses given in the range are in hexadecimal and units of delta. -%UNUSED -RAM 20-6F 1 -RAM A0-EF 1 -RAM 110-16F 1 -RAM 190-1EF 1 -BANK0 20-6F 1 -BANK1 A0-EF 1 -BANK2 110-16F 1 -BANK3 190-1EF 1 -CONST 2-719 2 -CONST 800-FFF 2 -ENTRY 2-719 2 -ENTRY 800-FFF 2 -IDLOC 2000-2003 2 -STACK 110-16F 1 -CODE 2-719 2 -CODE 800-FFF 2 -SFR0 0-1F 1 -SFR1 80-9F 1 -SFR2 100-10F 1 -SFR3 180-18F 1 -COMMON 75-7D 1 -CONFIG 2008-2008 2 -EEDATA 2100-21FF 2 -STRCODE 2-719 2 -STRCODE 800-FFF 2 -STRING 2-719 2 -STRING 800-FFF 2 -# %LINETAB Section -# This section enumerates the file/line to address mappings. -# The beginning of the section is indicated by %LINETAB. -# The first line indicates the name of the first object file, e.g. -# $foo.obj -# Each line that follows describes a single mapping until the next -# object file. Mappings have the following format: -#
>: -# The address is absolute and given given in unqualified hex -# in delta units of the psect. All mappings within an object file -# are in ascending order of addresses. -# All other numeric values are in decimal. -%LINETAB -$dist/default/production\feux_wc.X.production.obj -0 text0 CODE >2200:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.34\include\pic16f87.h -71A text1 CODE >111:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -71A text1 CODE >112:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -71E text1 CODE >113:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -720 text1 CODE >114:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -721 text1 CODE >115:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -722 maintext CODE >58:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -722 maintext CODE >60:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -725 maintext CODE >63:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -728 maintext CODE >64:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -72A maintext CODE >70:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -72D maintext CODE >71:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -72E maintext CODE >72:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -730 maintext CODE >76:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -732 maintext CODE >77:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -73B maintext CODE >78:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -73F maintext CODE >79:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -742 maintext CODE >80:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -751 maintext CODE >81:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -75E maintext CODE >80:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -76F maintext CODE >82:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -774 maintext CODE >84:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -774 maintext CODE >85:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -776 maintext CODE >86:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -77F maintext CODE >87:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -783 maintext CODE >88:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -786 maintext CODE >89:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -795 maintext CODE >90:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7A2 maintext CODE >89:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7B3 maintext CODE >91:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7B8 maintext CODE >93:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7B8 maintext CODE >94:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7BA maintext CODE >95:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7C3 maintext CODE >96:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7C7 maintext CODE >97:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7CA maintext CODE >98:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7D9 maintext CODE >99:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7E6 maintext CODE >98:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7F7 maintext CODE >100:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7FC maintext CODE >74:C:\Users\micka\Documents\PIC\feux_wc.X\main_feux_wc.c -7FD cinit CODE >186:C:\Users\micka\AppData\Local\Temp\sar0. -7FD cinit CODE >189:C:\Users\micka\AppData\Local\Temp\sar0. -7FD cinit CODE >195:C:\Users\micka\AppData\Local\Temp\sar0. -7FD cinit CODE >196:C:\Users\micka\AppData\Local\Temp\sar0. -7FE cinit CODE >197:C:\Users\micka\AppData\Local\Temp\sar0. -# %SYMTAB Section -# An enumeration of all symbols in the program. -# The beginning of the section is indicated by %SYMTAB. -# Each line describes a single symbol as follows: -#